Below is the form for scouting, make sure to hit submit at the end to save your data. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Match # *Team Name *Team Number *Robot’s recognizable features, such as size, color, etc. (ex. Flat purple elevator robot, tall robot with long grabber)Do they have an auto? *YesNoWhere do they start?LeftMiddleRight Mistakes recognizable Where did they score in auto?How many in each? Selected Value: 0 Selected Value: 0 Selected Value: 0 Selected Value: 0 Selected Value: 0 How many algae did they knock off? Selected Value: 0 How accurate was their autonomous?Where did they score in TeleOp? *How many in each? Selected Value: 0 Selected Value: 0 Selected Value: 0 Selected Value: 0 Selected Value: 0 Where did they score algae? *Barge/NetProcessorKnocked offWhere can they collect coral from? *Human Player StationFloorEndgame climb? *Shallow CageDeep CageParkedNothingWas it damaged during the match? How?Driving skill? *GoodMidBadDriving speed? *FastMidSlowCycle speed? *FastMidSlowExtra details? Mistakes they made? Anything else important?Submit